
We offer fractional COO services for forward-thinking companies who want support in creating a positive, effective remote work experience.

Innovative companies (like startups, creator teams, and agencies) choose us because they want to do work differently. They don’t want to be stuck in meetings all day or tied to an office.

Instead, they want to:

Question the default
Have the time and space to do the real work
Be the place where the best of the best want to work

We’ve been making this happen since 2018. You don’t have to waste time figuring it out. Working with us means keeping the boring (but necessary) operations work off your plate so you can focus on what you do best.

What We Do

  • Hiring/Onboarding

    Traditional hiring methods don’t work for remote teams. You want a process that attracts people who thrive on autonomy. We set up systems made for the new ways of work.

  • Communication

    Working with a distributed team doesn’t mean you have to be stuck in Zoom calls all day. We cut your time in bad meetings by setting up the proper channels made for remote collaboration.

  • Operations

    Don’t get bogged down with business tasks. We keep the boring (but necessary) operations work off your plate so you can focus on the real work.

  • One-on-One Training

    Remote work doesn’t have to be hard. Our training will help your team members set up optimized workspaces, schedules, and habits, so they can be their most productive.

  • Processes

    Your team members don’t know what they don’t know. We set up processes and workflows so your team knows exactly what they should be doing and how to get it done.

  • Strategy

    Wondering how you will keep the culture going and the environments up-to-date? We’ll create a personalized system for continual success.

Thomas Frank (YouTuber):

“Marissa knows ops and she’s able to deftly navigate every operational challenge and project I’ve thrown at her.

She’s fantastic at taking vague requirements and doing the legwork needed to both figure out what exactly is needed and to get it done.

When my business exploded and I needed to focus completely on product and content, she was able to handle everything else and help me grow my team.

If you need ops help – especially if you’re a creator with a rapidly growing business – she’s the person to call.”

Contact us for more details.